Elevate Your Plate: The Benefits of Family Farm-Raised Beef over Factory-Farmed Beef


As consumers become increasingly discerning about the origin and quality of their food, the debate between family farm-raised beef and factory-farmed beef has come to the forefront. Here at Herd 77, we're passionate about providing our animals with the absolute best care in order to provide our family and customers with the most exceptional tasting and ethically raised beef available. 

There are certainly many undeniable benefits of choosing family farm-raised beef over its factory-farmed counterpart.

Superior Quality and Taste:

Beef can be transformed from a simple backyard burger to the most exquisite prime rib roast. We eat beef because it’s delicious! Family farm-raised beef boasts exceptional quality and flavor that simply cannot be replicated by the scale of factory farming operations. Our cattle are raised with care and attention, where they graze on lush pastures and enjoy a natural diet free from hormones and antibiotics. This hands-on approach results in beef that is tender, juicy, and bursting with rich, beefy flavor, providing a culinary experience that is truly second to none.

Ethical Animal Treatment:

At Herd 77, animal welfare is at the heart of everything we do. Our cattle are treated with the utmost respect and compassion, living in the spacious, rolling hills of Southern Iowa, where they can roam and thrive in the conditions that they were designed to flourish in. We believe that happy, healthy animals produce the best beef, and we take pride in providing our cattle with a comfortable and stress-free environment from birth to harvest. In contrast, factory farming operations often prioritize profit over animal welfare, subjecting animals to overcrowded and unsanitary conditions that compromise their health and well-being. Read more about our commitment to animal welfare here.

Sustainable Farming Practices:

We are committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship on our family farm. By caring for the land and practicing responsible land management, we strive to leave a positive impact on the environment for future generations. Factory farming, on the other hand, often relies on intensive farming methods that contribute to soil degradation, deforestation, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Supporting Local Communities:

By choosing family farm-raised beef, you're not just investing in high-quality, sustainable food – you're also supporting local communities and family-owned businesses. Our farm is deeply rooted in the community, and we take pride in contributing to the local economy and fostering connections with our neighbors. When you choose to purchase beef from Herd 77, you're supporting a tradition of craftsmanship and dedication to quality that has been passed down through generations.



When it comes to beef, the choice is clear: family farm-raised beef offers superior quality, taste, and ethical standards compared to factory-farmed beef. Some of the best memories are made around the dinner table, so feed your family the best! From our commitment to animal welfare and sustainable farming practices to our dedication to transparency and community support, Herd 77 is proud to provide beef that is truly exceptional in every way. So, elevate your plate and experience the difference with family farm-raised beef from Herd 77 – your taste buds, your conscience, and your community will thank you.

Click here to shop for prime-quality beef from our family farm in Southern Iowa.